
Nursery Days is a place where children’s discoveries and endeavours are valued.
Our well-designed, homely environment promotes emotional well-being, togetherness and friendship. Here, children can feel comfortable enough to snuggle down in a chair or explore with confidence, and will always feel at home.
Our experimental playground is an outstanding asset to our nursery.
Our outdoor play gardens are extensive and have everything we need for outdoors learning – from mud kitchens, growing herbs and vegetables, to theatre, role-play, climbing and exercising.
Natural Real and Raw, the Forest, Trees and Life – topics that increase children’s sense of engagement and motivation. We take our children daily to Forest School with our Forest School leader, and there they gain a rich variety of sensory experience. The expansive possibilities at our very own Orchard for activities maximise the children’s ability to invent and imagine. Here our children build a sense of independence which has powerful effects on their intellectual, cognitive, physical and emotional development.
For example, the children can BUILD a bug hotel, DISCOVER AND STUDY its occupants, WONDER at the way they live, INVENT stories about them and GAIN PLEASURE from experiencing it all WITH FRIENDS.
Healthy and Happy
A child's well-being is key. Each child has a special adult who follows their learning and care everyday. This makes us as able to meet the needs for your child as you are at home. We pride ourselves on our tight-knit relationships with our children and their families, and it is this interactive closeness that helps provide an environment in which children can thrive and prosper.
Healthy Choices and Healthy Eating
We have a wonderful cook who prepares fresh and healthy food daily for the lucky children.
Our heartwarming, home-cooked lunches, snacks, breakfast and tea use locally farmed fruit and vegetables. We teach our children which foods are great for them and why.
We’ve taken steps to reduce our carbon footprint. We do not use disposable plastic and are focused on sourcing natural wooden toys and resources. Even our dirty nappies are taken off to become Biofuel! We aim to Recycle and Replenish for a healthy planet.